Monday, February 25, 2008

Long Twillz And Trillz

Let's only for a moment pretend that you can simply extend your little foot out to me and I can scroll the tips of the toes with my fingers to tickle you. This is only a manner of speculating idea. Spinning yarns and fun little pontifications about life and existence and as such topics. Let's talk about humans boys and girls. I couldn't help but think about how much the earth hates us today. Driving like some high banshee, talking to myself, throwing cigarettes out the window, and ignoring limitations of speed. You feel more alive when you go fast despite it's dangers. I wanted to jerk off while I was driving because I had gone a full weeks worth without. I told Gary and James and Sean that I don't do that sort of trashy thing to myself, but of course I do! Blitzkrieg Bop on that bomber! (sorry for that) I'm a boy. The Earth fights us in it's own way. It try's to weather us away as it does to itself. Rain and Wind. Ocean and Lightning. Psychedelic Rainbows. Gravity. Shit like that. Everything that is alive is determined to meet that end of life. Earth and Being. Your probably saying: "Whoa Salmon, lay of the vapey bro!" To which I then say: " Vape on broz!"
All that Vapey lingo has to do with a marijuana vaporizer that chills at Gary and James' NoHo Homosexual Bordello. We wont get into that. Just know that you need to smoke as much weed as you can and sync up any sort of movie that you can think of with Dead Meadow or Spiritualized. I'm gonna try to get up to Portland and even Canada within the next week or so? I go to the doctor this week to get on track with my physical therapy for my elbow. It's strange because the arm is healed, although as I have tried to use it in the act of lifting something heavy or when fully extending it doesn't feel right? "I can feel it throbbing hard inside of me.." "That's what she said." Happy Birthday Joe. Oh, and I actually don't smoke weed or condone it at all..
Stay tuned!!!


. said...

you always get yourself into these these gray vacations, where you can do hella fun shit but theres a twist.

. said...

grey vacationz