Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Official Broken Arm BLOG!!!

I broke the wing while filming Joe skate last Monday. Shit is real out here! I broke the radial head where it connects to the elbow. My fingers still feel strange. As though the blood is very thick and not able to flow or withdraw the oxygen that I bequeath to it. Pins and needles. I don't have to work for six weeks which is perhaps a blessing in disguise? I need to be gettin' that scratch though kid! That lucci! My disability won't kick in for a week so no "Big Dogging" for the time being.

Funny stuff that is written on my cast: Smoakland Hammer, Bitch, Butt Snacker, Hamm, Shea, Roman E. Krapf lll, Ghostie (with a little spooky ghost drawing), Stussy, little face with a dick in it's mouth, Mishawn, Q, T.K...

Stay tuned boys and girls..

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