Sunday, April 27, 2008

Super Sick

Went and saw the final Gris Gris show last night. That probably doesn't mean anything to most of you, but it should. The show was at the Ghost Town Gallery, which is like this super hipster catacomb, to quote the great Robbie Reaves, in the heart of one of the worst portions of the San Pablo strip. All of the Oakland hipsters showed up for this event. I even saw Francisco and we caught up on everything that I'd been missing out on in the mix. The show was fucking rock n' roll. They fucking jammed hard and it was great! They played a version of Necessary Separation that was so fucking awesome! I won't forget that shit ever! Afterward, Ferny clowned on me cause when everyone was dancing around he was encouraging me to dance with this one girl and I wouldn't do it. Whatever?..