Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What Is It?

Aside from terrorizing the deepest and darkest secretive wikipedia articles, imagining king kong just busting through, and putting on a demonstration to all the big dicks of the Sunceri Construction company on how to properly install a shower, I've been filming skateboarding A lot! I love skateboarding so fucking much! If you watch the John Cardiel documentary you can understand every important facet of life within about a sixty minute duration. In it Phelps says something along the lines of:
"Enjoy skateboarding, If it gets too scary, get the fuck out! You were never meant to skate!" Chance isn't scared of shit! I can't really skate anymore at all, but I will love it until I'm dead.

1 comment:

bad bitches said...

he fucking tries it again after he almost gets his peen pulled off? ting is insane.